

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

part 2

This blog is going to be on how diseases and health affect our country and how they know no borders. What is one of the problems with globalization and bringing people with viruses or third world viruses? Well that’s why I’m here, tell you all that I know about it.

                I believe with globalization that when they bring people from other countries over It could introduce us to new viruses such as Ebola and other contagious diseases.  I think if they keep on bringing more people over from other countries it could introduce a very unwanted disease and kill us all. I think that every virus and disease that comes over will somehow and someday get a vaccine or a medication to stop it or halt it from getting any worse.

                I believe that the future holds and very dim path with how our country will be under watch from the disease spreading to other countries. There will be lots of martial law because the government will keep making people scared because of new diseases, and all of our countries freedom will be gone. They will also tell us everything is going out of stock and will make all prices sky rocket.

part 1

Last week we got into groups and did a bunch of research on Ebola in globalization. We found out many different things about Ebola. Such as who the hosts are, how it spreads, and then the environment of the virus. When we were all done figuring out the virus, we had to come up with a way to stop the virus from spreading.

            When we started researching this project I learned that there are many hosts such as fruit bats, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, forest antelope, and porcupines. These are some animals I had never imagined would be hosts of Ebola. I always thought it was just mainly humans. I also learned the agents of it. The agents are animals, Ebola virus filoviridae. I also learned the environment. The environment I the opportunities for people to be exposed to the virus.

            In our plan we had gone and taken our prisoners and put them in detention centers to keep them from infecting new people. Then whenever someone would die we would burn them to keep the disease from spreading also. While we have the infected in the detention center we would have willing doctors in there trying to make a vaccine for the virus.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

  1. I always thought that the Republican Party raised more money than the democratic.
  2. I’m amazed on how much money it takes to run an election.
  3. I’m amazed on how much lobbyist spend
  4. I’m also amazed how many there are
  5. I’m interested to see how big of a difference there is between health professionals and Pharmaceuticals and Health Products.
  6. It’s interesting to see how far lobbying totals are down in 2014 compared to 2013
  7. I am surprised how many democrats and republicans are in the house.
  8. I’m surprised how many contributors there are and how much they contribute.
  9. I’m surprised to see how far down everything is this year compared to last year.
  10. I’m shocked that the lobbying totals started going down after 2009.

Monday, October 13, 2014

sicko movie

Last week we started watching the movie sicko and we finished it today. It was a great movie on health care and he got his point across showed us that the U.S. is practically the only country with health care that you have to pay tons of money for.

                People in America have to pay tons of money for health care. Then when they try getting insurance to make it cheaper, they can’t most the time because the insurance companies try to find any and every flaw they possibly can so they don’t have to pay for it. In America if you have health care they will force you to go to a certain hospital and the hospital you are at has to reject you. Also in hospitals if you don’t have enough money to pay for your health insurance then you will be rejected. They put you in a taxi take you to a free healthcare place and push you out and drive away.

                I believe we should switch to free health care and just up the taxes a little bit because it would be better to let everyone have free healthcare instead of just really poor people. Because people in the middle class can’t afford healthcare very well either.  I think that free healthcare would be better like it is around the world so life will just be a little easier for everybody.

Monday, October 6, 2014


                I believe that globalization isn’t a good thing to have because everybody deserves equal rights. But as you know many people think different. People have women working in sweatshops for low pay and long hours; the work isn’t very safe either. It usually depends on the race and/or culture of the women that are migrated or globalized in the world today.

                Negatives and positives of globalization? Negatives are that women and some men are taken over there free will to go and work to “pay” off their debt it took the man that bought them to get them there. For instance when they take someone from a different country and take them to a new one such as America, they have to pay off their debt to the owner but they pay off the debt and then some.  There are not really any positives to globalization because they harm young people, and take them over there free will.

                There is globalization everywhere in can be in the United States it could be in South Dakota for all we know, we all know that it has got to be in the United States, it would usually be in the bigger cities such as Washington and new your. I got my information for this website; http://suboot.org.af/eng/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23:globalization-and-its-impacts-on-women&catid=9:report&Itemid=6.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

human trafficking

                I am not a fan of slavery, which human trafficking is just a type of slavery that all countries still have. I have to say that sex trafficking is wrong and shouldn’t be done. I think that sex trafficking is completely wrong and that they should put more money into finding all these people and getting them thrown away in prison. I don’t think anybody should own anybody, I think that everybody has the right to be free to work how and where they want.

                My thoughts of the videos we watched in class. Wednesday we watched two four minute videos on people against sex trafficking. In the video they had a truck driving around with a bunch a actresses in the back, which had all glass sides. The girls in the back were all in dirty clothes and were abused, they had a guy ride with them in the back that was supposed to be the guy that looks over and makes sure they don’t live very well.

                In conclusion I liked the videos we watched I felt like I learned something. In this blog I have tried my best to tell you what I think of human trafficking. In this I have also told you what I think of the videos we watched.

Monday, September 8, 2014


                This week we watched the movie “God Grew Tired of Us”. It was a great film on forced migration and how hard it is to live and support and to get back on your feet after your trying to gain back your strength.

                The movie is about the civil war in Sudan, the war had killed many thousands of men and women. Their main people to kill were the men and their sons. So all these kids infants and older had escaped and walked all the way down to Kenya to escape their countries civil war. So for many years they all stayed in a refugee camp to regain themselves so then when they got old enough they decided to move away to America to the land of the free. This was an example of a push pull factor. They were pushed out of Sudan so they got pulled to Kenya and America for a better life.

                There is also just migration, it happens when it gets to cold or bad weather happens is when thing migrate or just because they don’t like the religion or place there at so they migrate to a better place. People always migrate to warmer places in the winter and to better places in the summer.  Other reasons they migrate is because they can move to bigger and better places. In the movie they moved because they wanted to survive and find their family. Other reasons because they wanted to do something with their life so they could make enough money and find their families and see them again. Main reasons people will migrate to better places now days is because the place they live at now doesn’t have enough for what they want so they will move to a bigger city and go to school and get a good job.

                Effects of migrations are such as that when people are forced to migrate to a new place because there under attack or are being pushed away. So there economy will drop until they get back on their feet after they just lost everything they have. When people move away that’s just one less customer or buyer for a small business or a big business in their area. So if enough people would move then that place may close down and then sooner or later every small business may close. Like kids on farms they don’t always want to stay around and work on the farm so they move away and get a different job so then when there family can’t run the family farm anymore they have to sell it.

                In conclusion I feel that migration can be a bad thing but a good thing for globalization. It’s bad because people move away, but it’s good because they can be in somewhere good and work where they use globalization.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

are we for or not for globalization

Last week we started school, and the first thing we did was watch a couple videos on globalization. They were about 10 to 15 min long apiece. The videos were great, I learned about things I never thought of before.

            Are you for or not for globalization? I am for globalization it is a very good thing for everybody. Globalization I feel is good all-around for everybody. Because it’s cheaper and you get a variety of things that all come together to make everything you have. For instance you could have a pair of boots with leather from South Africa. I like it cause most the time when you use stuff from different countries that could have better quality. Because some things from other countries is better and stronger than things here in the U.S.

            I may not buy American products, but I don’t care I just want some cheap products. But they have to be somewhat durable to use for work and every day wear and use. But I usually don’t always buy cheap products so usually I spend a little more for something that is better quality but still foreign made. For instants my boots I bought were $150 and they have been the best pair I’ve ever owned.

            Have you ever bought some foreign made products? Well if you have it probably broke, but I’m telling you that not all of the products are bad. Just spend a little more and get a better product but still made in another country because it’s still cheaper. I’ve found out that if you look and get something that is made in a different country besides china. Because china is to cheap the Chinese made items break all the time. I got look to make sure that my products are made in different countries to reach out a little bit to.