

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What is your favorite word? - Hunting

 What is your least favorite word? - no

 What one thing do you like about your life? – I know how to work

 What one thing do you not like about your life? – I don’t have many book smarts

 What profession would you like to attempt? - mechanic

 What profession would you never attempt?-  lawyer

 What 3 words describe you? – worker, car smart, and quiet but loud.


                There are many reasons for studying psychology, such as to help some people out when they are having psychological issues. Such as when some one has a friend or family member that would die or have something bad happen to them and they you go into shock or just have a bunch of bad things happening. But in this I am not going to be telling you about psychology I am going to be telling you about what I hope to learn from this class.


                In this class I am hoping to further the knowledge I have about psychology. I hope to learn more about it and how you can help people by using it. I am hoping to learn how I can help someone out that could use it. I could maybe even learn it and teach someone that wants to know some stuff about it. Such as explain to them what I know from what you will teach me this semester.  I would like to gain some experience of how you teach it and what you will teach us. I feel that you will teach me and my whole class a lot about psychology.  I am going to hopefully learn a lot.

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